General Questions:

What is  LRCD?

LRCD is a 693 megabyte logic program on CD-R.  It contains all the textual material and practice exercises you will be working with in Logic, as well as additional exercises, and brief audio reviews of all fourteen of the chapters in Logical Reasoning. Unlike other logic programs which use a CD as a supplement to the text, the text, in this case is a supplement to the CD.

Do I have to use the CD?

Although all the essential material you will need for the course is contained on a set of floppy disks, the floppy disks are no longer automatically supplied, so the CD is now virtually required.

What are the minimum system requirements to run LRCD?

The program will run on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows NT, and Vista.  It will not run on Windows 3.xx or in DOS, and it will not run on a Mac unless VIRTUAL WINDOWS is installed.  Though the videos are choppy at the speed, it will run on a 4-speed CD-ROM drive.  It requires approximately 5 megabytes of disk space to install.

Where can I go to get help?

As we discover problems we will post them, and any remedies, here.

Can I take the Exams and Practice Exercises more than once?

The exams can only be taken once. The practice exercises, on the other hand, can be retaken as often as you wish. The computer only keeps track of your highest score on the practice exercises, and it only records the score when you complete the set of practice exercises.

How does my instructor get my scores?

If you are using the CD, in order to take a test your computer must be connected to the internet. At the beginning of the exam your instructor is notified that you are about to start that exam, and at the end of the exam your scores are automatically sent to him/her. If you are using the old floppy disks the scores are recorded on those disks and you need to provide your instructor with one of the disks periodically so the scores can be collected from them.

When I am using the computers on campus why can't I access the program on the floppy disks?

Most of the schools have made it impossible for students to run executable files from floppy disks. You will probably need to use the CD when you are using the computers on campus.

Should I turn off my screen saver and power settings before running the program?

Yes, absolutely. The screen saver is apt to interfere with the program, but it is automatically turned off at the beginning of an exam. Also, all of the power settings should be set to "None," at least when taking exams.

How To Questions:

Do I need to install the CD before using it, and if so, how do I install it?




How do I access the program?

If you are using the old floppy disk version of the program insert disk 1 of Logical Reasoning in your a:\ drive, then click on MY COMPUTER followed by the A:\ drive and find and click on the file LOGIC. If you are using the CD, what you do depends on whether you intend to have your scores recorded on the hard drive or on a specially supplied set of floppies. If you intend to have your scores recorded on the hard drive, after the program has been installed you can find the LRCD icon by clicking on START followed by PROGRAMS. On the other hand, if you intend to have your scores recorded on floppy disks you should find the file GO on the CD and click on it. Then, when the menu comes up, select PLAY.

How do I turn off my screen saver?

With your mouse on an empty area on the desktop click with the RIGHT mouse button. Then select PROPERTIES. Select the SCREEN SAVER tab. Select NONE, and, while you are at it, you should also click on the SETTINGS button and set the "Turn Off Monitor," "Turn Off Hard Drive," and "System Standby" properties to "Never."

How do I access the Practice Exercises and the Exams on the CD?

If you want to take the practice exercises on the CD and record them on floppy disks, after you insert the CD in the drive find and click on the file entitled GO, located on the cd drive. Then select PLAY. When the program gets to the Main Menu, select the relevant chapter, and then select the "Program on Disks" option. The graded exercises for the chapter you want will be listed as a menu item at the top of the page. The procedure for accessing the exams is the same except that the exams are only located in some of the chapters (viz., "Fallacies," "Consistency Trees," "Proofs," "Venn Diagrams," and "Quantification Proofs"), and are referred to as midterms. On the other hand, if you intend to have your scores recorded on your hard drive, to access the program go to START and then PROGRAMS and find and click on the LRCD icon. Then proceed as explained above.

How do I access the program on the floppy disks?

Insert Disk 1 of the "Logical Reasoning" floppy disk into the floppy drive. Select START PROGRAMS MS-DOS PROMPT. Once the screen turns black with white lettering type A: (NOTE: You must use a colon. If you type a semicolon you will get a "File Not Found" error message.). The A:\ prompt will appear on the screen. Type LOGIC and press ENTER. Unless there is something wrong with your disks or the campus computers will not allow you to run executable files from floppy disks, the program will begin automatically.

How do I access the Practice Exercises and the Exams on the floppy disks?

Each chapter has its own set of practice exercises. From the "Main Menu" select the chapter whose practice exercises you want to access. When the menu for that chapter comes up, select <P>ractice Exercises. Only some of the chapters have examinations. The first exam, for example, is located in the chapter on "Fallacies." To access that exam, go to the chapter on Fallacies and select <E>xamination. Never try to find and access the exam directly from the exam disk.

How do I print out the textual material contained on the disk?

You can't. But the textual material can be downloaded and printed from this web site

Error Messages and Problems:

Why won't the graphics display properly on my computer?

Some of the necessary codecs may not have been installed on your computer. With the CD in the drive go to START PROGRAMS WINDOWS EXPLORER. Find the drive the program LRCD is in and click on it. Double click on SETUP. Find and click on the file 'iv5setup.exe', and then follow the instructions on your computer. (If that file is not located on the CD it may be found and downloaded at This will install some Intel Video codecs that must be installed for the videos to run properly. If you have installed the necessary codecs and you are still experiencing this problem, please notify us and use the floppy disks instead of the CD. This problem may arise in the diagramming section of the practice exercises on Basic Concepts.

I installed the Indeo 5 codecs my Vista machine, and now my computer runs slowly and the CD won’t start.  What should I do? 

On some Windows Vista computers the Indeo 5 codecs don’t get registered.  You will need to register them by hand.  (Note: You need to have administrator privileges to do this)  Go to <START> <RUN> and type “Regsvr32 ir50_32.dll” without the quotes.  Follow the instructions.

When I try to take an exam on the CD all I see is a blue screen. What should I do?

The program is asking for your name, but the lettering is white and is not showing up clearly. Try turning the contrast on your monitor up all the way, and, if this solves the problem please e-mail us and let us know what kind of graphic card you have. If it doesn't work, access the exam from the floppies. You can force the floppy disks to access the program in black and white by typing LR at the prompt instead of LOGIC, and this will solve the problem you are having.

The dog ate my exam disk. What should I do?

We will replace the damaged disk, but you must bring the disk(s) with you together with a receipt showing that you purchased the text during the present semester.

When I try to run the program on my computer at home I get an error message that says "Oleaut32.dll is out of date." What should I do?

Select the "Install" option when the program on the CD first begins. You will need to do this only once.

When I try to run the Practice Exercises on Venn Diagrams I get a message informing me that the file "MS Line Draw.ttf" is not present. What should I do?

Select the "Install" option when the program on the CD first begins. You will need to do this only once. If you have already done this and you are still getting this message, find and double click on the file MSLine Draw, which is located in the Windows\Fonts directory. After the font file comes up on the screen, immediately close the file by clicking on the X in the upper right corner of its window. The file MSLine Draw is also located on your Exam Disk, if you are using floppies, and on the CD, and it can be installed by going into the Windows\Font directory and by selecting FILE and then "Install New Font".

I am running Windows XP and am getting an error message that says, "The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications...." What should I do?

The following Microsoft page addresses this problem:

Unsuitable File System for Running DOS

Go to that page and follow its directions.

On the floppies I am getting an error message that says, "Wrong disk. Access denied." What should I do?

If you are getting the "Wrong disk. Access denied" error message when you insert the exam disk into the drive to record a score on a set of practice exercises, this message is most likely due to the fact that, although your name has been inserted on disk 1, it is not on the exam disk. To see whether or not this is the problem with your disks, insert the exam disk in the floppy drive. Go to the DOS prompt by selecting START PROGRAMS MS DOS PROMPT and type: A: and press ENTER. Then type the following: type stud.dat and press ENTER. If you get a blank space followed by the letter C, your name is not on the disk and your program will need to be fixed. (On the other hand, if your name is on the disk, then this is not the problem and you will need to have your professor examine your disks.) To correct this problem, proceed as follows: Insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive. When the program starts, select "Play." After the initial scene, a menu will come up listing all the chapters of the program. Select the chapter "Fallacies." Then select the "Program on Disks" option. When the Fallacy chapter appears on the screen, select the option "MIDTERM" at the top of the page. You will be asked, "Are you sure you want to take the timed and graded examination now?" Answer "Yes." The program will then ask you to insert the EXAM DISK in drive A or B. Insert the Exam Disk and hit "OK." A message box will come up saying that your name has not been entered on the disk. Press "OK." Two text boxes will appear. Type your first name in the top box and your last name in the bottom box exactly as you typed them when you entered the program through disk 1. The spelling must exactly match the spelling on disk 1. When you have completed this, press "OK." A new warning stating "Are you sure you want to take the timed and graded examination now?" will appear. Select "No." Your name should now be on the exam disk and your program should work properly.

The screen saver came on and now my program seems to have vanished. What should I do?

The program has become minimized. It should be located in the middle of the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. Double click on it and it will reappear.

I am getting an Error #7. What does it mean and what can I do about it?

Your computer is out of memory. Restart your computer and continue.

I am getting an Error #24. What does it mean and what can I do about it?

This is a copy protection error. The examinations can only be taken once, and only from the original floppy disks.

I am getting an Error #53. What does it mean and what can I do about it?

Your computer cannot find a file it needs on the disk. You will need to have your instructor examine the disk.

I am getting an Error #57. What does it mean and what can I do about it?

The computer cannot read from or write to the floppy disk. Make sure the window in the upper corner of the disk is closed. If the window is closed your disk needs to be fixed.

I am getting an Error #68. What does it mean and what can I do about it?

Device unavailable. The drive might be bad, but probably the disk is just defective and needs to be replaced.

I am getting an Error #75. What does it mean and what can I do about it?

Path/File Access error. Select "retry." If that doesn't work, make sure all the files in your My Documents\LRCD directory have the Read-only box unchecked. Or, try the disks on a different machine if possible. Alternately, since this error only occurs while recording scores while using the CD, if they are available use the floppy disks when taking practice exercises and exams.

I am getting an Error #233. What does it mean and what can I do about it?

You have installed the program on the floppy disk onto your hard drive. The exams won't run from the hard disk. Access the program by going to the floppy drive and selecting the a drive when disk 1 is in the drive.

I am getting an Error #380. What does it mean and what can I do about it?

See the note about installing MS LineDraw.ttf above.

I am getting an Error # -2147024873. What does it mean and what can I do about it?

This is a Cyclic Redundancy error. Either the CD drive is bad, or the CD is defective, or the program didn't install correctly..

I have tried replacing the LRCD CD, and my CD-ROM drive still cannot read the disk. Is there something else I can try?

Click START SETTINGS CONTROL PANEL. Then double-click on the "System" Icon. Select the "Performance" tab. Then Click on "File System," followed by the "CD-ROM" tab. Make sure the "Optimize access pattern for:" box reads "No read-ahead."

A portion of the first exam appears to be garbled. Why did this happen, and what should I do?

The program has not decoded the exam properly. You will need to retake the exam.

When I try to take an exam I am told to type a password, but no such password appears on the screen. What should I do?

Go into Internet Explorer and select the "Tools" tab. Under "Tools" select "Internet Options" and then the "Security" tab. Your security level should be set to no higher than "Medium-High." Also in "Tools" --> "Internet Options," but in the "Programs" tab, make sure you have a default browser. If you don't have one, click on make Internet Explorer your default browser.

When I start an exam other than the one in the chapter on Fallacies, after typing my ID and password all I get is a black screen. What should I do?

We still haven't determined the cause of this error. You will need to use a different computer and notify your instructor of this problem in order to be permitted to retake the exam.

In the middle of the second exam the computer is locking up on me. What should I do?

Carefully read the instructions at the bottom of the screen. If the program is asking for a number and you try to type a letter, or vice versa, it will not accept your answer.

I am getting a message asking me whether or not I want to format the floppy disk. What should I do?

Answer "No." Formatting the disk will wipe out all information on it. This message can occur if the computer cannot access the disk. Try the disk in a different machine if that is possible. Otherwise, the disk needs to be replaced.

When I run the program on the floppy disks it appears in a small window in the middle of the screen and I can't read it well. How can I fix this?

Right click on the icon you normally left click on when you start the program. Then select PROPERTIES followed by SCREEN. Next click FULL SCREEN followed by APPLY.

The program on the floppy disks is not running correctly in Windows XP. What can I do?

Right click on the icon you normally left click on when you start the program. Then select PROPERTIES followed by COMPATIBILITY, and place an X in the box next to "Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows 95."

I am getting an "Invalid Image" error message. What should I do?

Your CD is scratched. Obtain a new CD from your instructor.

The program is not running on Vista. What should I do?

Click on the LRCD icon with your right mouse button. Select PROPERTIES and then COMPATIBILITY. Make sure the box "Run this program as an administrator." is checked. NOTE: You will need administrator privleges to do this.